For larger businesses, it's even more critical to find the right experts as the stakes are higher and the fees are higher (right click download a free guide to fees - PDF).

You want to make doubly sure you've got the firm who can get you the best price + meet other exit goals (founder departure / staff security / legacy protection etc).

We can assist. We are not aligned with any broker or M&A firm; our advice is completely neutral. Thousands of business owners (examples) have benefitted.

Our fees are aligned to your success, but the first call is completely free. Take this car for a spin and get your most pressing questions answered at no cost.

Book your call (in complete confidence)

For businesses with £5m in t/o or £500K in net profit. Smaller businesses please use this form instead.

We own the UK's largest knowledge base of business brokers / advisory firms & can prepare a shortlist of most appropriate ones based on your sector, business size, type of buyer sought, location, type of deal sought (trade / private equity / EOT/ MBO / cross border etc) & other criteria. Using the right broker increases probability of sale by over 300%. We also use our unique position & knowledge of the industry to negotiate fees & costs, saving our average corporate client in excess of £40K in fees. Importantly, we protect your interests all through the transaction to remove uncertainty, improve security, increase privacy & speed up the sale. Book a call - it won't cost you a penny (unless you choose our "paid" service)!
